Orthodontics Treatment Planning / Consultation

Treatment Planning & Consultation

Once patients have finished their appointment for their initial exam and x-rays, the next appointment will be scheduled a few weeks later and will involve the treatment planning and consultation phase. The reason why this appointment may be scheduled a few weeks after the first appointment is that the professional will need time to review the initial records and ensure that they have the proper diagnosis and possible orthodontics treatment options.

Children will need a Legal Guardian at the Treatment Planning and Consultation Visit

The visit will typically last anywhere from a half hour to an hour and is going to discuss a variety of topics including the diagnosis, the preferred treatment method, alternative treatment options, informed consent, and the financial issues. While some children may be able to walk or drive themselves to the appointment, it is vital to have a parent who is present due to the nature of the various information being discussed. Financial information is better handled by a parent and informed consent will require a legal guardian to be present to sign the paperwork.

Various Diagnoses are Possible

The orthodontist is going to give his or her diagnosis based on the evidence at hand from the initial dental exam, x-rays, and prior records. There are many different diagnoses that are possible but some examples include an underbite, overbite, overcrowding, impacted teeth, missing teeth, teeth that are rotated, and inappropriate spaces between the teeth. The orthodontist is going to discuss this in detail, likely pointing to the x-rays and models of the teeth that have been made at the initial exam and appointment. Patients will have their questions answered about the diagnosis.

The Treatment Plan is Next

Finally, the treatment plan is going to be discussed in detail. The orthodontist will discuss the preferred treatment option including the pros and cons of the method, the estimated time it will take to fix the problem, and the possible financial cost. This is going to be dependent on the patient’s insurance provider. The orthodontist will also discuss several of the alternative treatment options that may be appropriate for some patients depending on their needs. This information can help patients make important decisions regarding the orthodontic care of either themselves or their children. Any confusion should be addressed at this time.

Finances are Last

No practice is going to neglect the financial cost of the various treatment options when it comes to orthodontists. Most practices understand that every patient arrives with a different set of financial arrangements and insurance may or may not cover the cost of treatment. Therefore, it is important for patients to ask these questions and discuss the various options that the practice offers when it comes to payment for services rendered. The only inappropriate question is the question that wasn’t asked. Call today to schedule an appointment with an orthodontist today.